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Meet Atta Boateng

Atta Boateng is a pineapple farmer at Zulu Farms in Ghana. He is fifty one years old and has been farming for sixteen years. He is married with two children and lives in the village of Opembo. Zulu farms has over 1,000 acres and produces MD2, Smooth Cayenne, Queen Victoria […]

Open post

Blue Skies Egypt wins Recognition Award

Blue Skies Egypt has been awarded by The Association of Supply Chain Professionals ASCP on its launch ceremony on Saturday 15 October 2016. ASCP is a newly established NGO, representing all stakeholders of the supply chain and logistics professionals. Blue Skies Egypt has supported this newly developed association in many aspects. Our […]

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New classroom blocks opened by Foundation

The Blue Skies Foundation has recently inaugurated two new classroom blocks in Ghana. They include a new three classroom block with provision for an ICT centre and staff common room for Chinto Junior High School located near to the Blue Skies factory in Dobro in Ghana, and a three classroom […]

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